open market operation公开市场操作
时间:2017/3/21 来源:Twin 浏览:2680
美国联邦储备委员会15日上调利率(raise interest rates)后,中国人民银行发布公告称,逆回购(reverse repo)操作和中期借贷便利(medium-term lending facility, MLF)中标利率各上行10个基点。但央行强调,公开市场操作(open market operation)中标利率上行不等同于加息(cannot be equated with interest rate hikes),也不能被解读为对审慎货币政策的偏离(cannot be interpreted as a shift away from prudent monetary policy)。
China's central bank lifted interest rates of two open market operation tools Thursday after US Fed's rate hike.
(编辑: xueqi)