river chief system 河长制
时间:2017/1/5 来源:通文通译 浏览:12911
2016年底,中办、国办正式公布《关于全面推行河长制的意见》,提出在全国江河湖泊(rivers and lakes)推行"河长制(river chief/keeper system)",到2018年年底前全面建立河长制。根据《意见》,我国将全面建立省、市、县、乡四级河长体系(establish provincial, municipal, and county- and township-level river chief systems),并任命地方各级政府领导为河长(appoint heads of local government at various levels as river chiefs)。
The general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council have jointly issued a document to implement a river chief system nationwide.
(编辑: xueqi)