health indexes健康指标
时间:2016/11/2 来源:通文通译 浏览:1858
10月25日,中共中央、国务院发布了《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》("Healthy China 2030" blueprint),这是今后15年推进健康中国建设的行动纲领(action plan on the country's health development spanning the next 15 years)。规划纲要提出,到2030年,我国主要健康指标(health indexes)进入高收入国家(high income countries)行列,还细化了2030年的若干具体目标(stipulate a number of specific goals to be reached by 2030)。
The State Council issued an outline of the country's 2030 health plan, which indicates that China's major health indexes should be similar to those in high income countries.
(编辑: xueqi)