收藏 | 2022年6月热词中英汇总
6月,中国儿童中心成立40周年,湿地保护法正式施行,天宫空间站可以部署25台科学实验柜进行空间科学实验,神舟十四号载人飞船成功发射,国家开发银行发行80亿元乡村振兴系列专题金融债,《2021年全球创新指数报告》,《2021年度人力资源和社会保障事业发展统计公报》发布,第14个世界海洋日,《关于建立健全水行政执法与检察公益诉讼协作机制的意见》出台,符合条件的乘用车减半征收车辆购置税,《中国青少年足球联赛赛事组织工作方案(2022-2024年)》,新一期《全球经济展望》报告,中国文化和自然遗产日,《大公报》创刊120周年,加大对水利项目的金融支持力度,《国家适应气候变化战略2035》印发,世界首条环沙漠铁路线完成,新冠疫苗知识产权豁免,跨境人民币业务,亚洲最大铁路枢纽客站开通运营,世界500强和行业龙头企业达到260家,国务院印发《关于加强数字政府建设的指导意见》,十三届全国人大常委会第三十五次会议表决通过了黑土地保护法,京杭大运河京冀段实现游船通航,我国可再生能源发电总装机达到11亿千瓦,国家主席习近平来到香港科学园考察等。 更多热词(PDF版) 扫码关注公众号(OKTranslation) 对话框内回复“热词”获取下载!
中国儿童中心 China National Children's Center 在中国儿童中心成立40周年之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平发来贺信,表示热烈的祝贺,并代表党中央向全国广大少年儿童致以节日的祝贺,祝小朋友们学习进步、快乐生活、茁壮成长。 President Xi Jinping extended festive greetings to children all over the country on Tuesday in a letter to congratulate the China National Children's Center on its 40th anniversary. In his message, Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, wished all children happy and healthy lives and progress in their learning. 节日问候 festive greetings 坚守初心使命 stayed true to its original aspiration and mission 全面发展 all-around development 湿地保护 wetlands protection 6月1日,湿地保护法正式施行,这标志着我国湿地保护全面进入法治化轨道新阶段。国家对湿地实行分级管理,重要湿地依法纳入生态保护红线。 China's new law on wetlands protection took effect on June 1. The law's implementation marked a new stage of law-based wetlands protection in China. According to the law, the country will exercise the administration of wetlands at different levels, and significant wetland areas should fall under the ecological conservation red lines. 生态保护和修复 ecological protection and restoration 人与自然和谐共生 harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature 生物多样性 biological diversity 生态保护红线 ecological conservation red lines 天宫空间站 Tiangong space station 中国载人航天工程新闻发言人6月4日在新闻发布会上表示,天宫空间站可以部署25台科学实验柜进行空间科学实验。每台实验柜都是一个小型的太空实验室,可以支持开展单学科或多学科交叉的空间科学实验。 China's Tiangong space station is capable of accommodating 25 experiment cabinets for scientific exploration, announced the China Manned Space Agency on Saturday. Each cabinet is a small-sized lab in space, capable of supporting single subject or interdisciplinary research in space science experiments. 跨学科研究 interdisciplinary research 实验舱 lab module 微重力研究 microgravity research 星际探测 interplanetary exploration 神舟十四号载人飞船 the Shenzhou-14 manned spaceship 6月5日,神舟十四号载人飞船成功发射,将三名航天员送上太空,这是中国空间站迎来的第三批航天员乘组。 China on June 5 launched the three-person Shenzhou-14 mission, which is the third crew for the country's space station project. 航天员 taikonaut 出舱活动 extravehicular activities (EVAs) 载人飞船 manned spacecraft 货运飞船 cargo spacecraft 舱外航天服 extravehicular spacesuits “太空授课” space-based lecture 乡村振兴系列专题金融债 rural-vitalization-themed financial bonds 近日,国家开发银行发行80亿元乡村振兴系列专题金融债。国家开发银行表示,截至目前,该行已累计发行乡村振兴系列专题金融债180亿元。 The China Development Bank, one of the country's policy banks, has issued a total of 8 billion yuan ($1.2 billion) of financial bonds to aid rural vitalization. So far, the bank has issued rural-vitalization-themed financial bonds with a total value of about 18 billion yuan, the bank said. 银行间债券市场 interbank bond market 农村基础设施建设 rural infrastructure 全球创新指数 Global Innovation Index 6月6日,科技部部长王志刚表示,根据世界知识产权组织发布的《2021年全球创新指数报告》,中国排名第12位,较2012年提高了22个位次。 China ranks 12th in the 2021 edition of the Global Innovation Index report released by the World Intellectual Property Right Organization, moving up 22 spots from 2012, said Wang Gang, the head of China’s Science and Technology Ministry, on Monday. 关键核心技术攻坚 achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields 创新驱动发展 innovation-driven development 国家高新区 China's national high-tech zones 世界级创新产业集群 world-class innovative industrial clusters 社会保险基金 social security fund 人社部6月7日发布的《2021年度人力资源和社会保障事业发展统计公报》(以下简称《公报》)显示,全年基本养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险三项社会保险基金收入合计68205亿元,比上年增长34.6%。 The revenue of China's social security fund topped 6.82 trillion yuan last year, soaring 34.6 percent from 2020, according to a statistical bulletin released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. Contributions to the social security fund come from basic old-age insurance, unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance. 财政收支 revenue and expenditure 统计公报 statistical bulletin 覆盖全民的社会保障体系 the social security system covering the entire population 国家社会保险公共服务平台 national online platform for social insurance 世界海洋日 World Oceans Day 今年6月8日是第14个世界海洋日。世界海洋日的设立旨在提醒人们海洋对于人类社会生存和发展具有重要意义。 The world marks the 14th World Oceans Day on Wednesday, which aims to raise awareness about the significance of oceans to the survival and development of humanity. 海洋开发和保护 ocean development and protection 构建海洋命运共同体 build maritime community with shared future 21世纪海上丝绸之路 the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 水行政执法与检察公益诉讼协作机制 cooperation mechanism between water resources law enforcement and procuratorial public interest litigations 最高人民检察院与水利部6月9日联合出台《关于建立健全水行政执法与检察公益诉讼协作机制的意见》,确定会商研判、专项行动、线索移送、调查取证、案情通报等协作机制。 A new regulation on establishing and improving the cooperation mechanism between water resources law enforcement and procuratorial public interest litigations was made public on June 9. Jointly issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Water Resources, the new document specifies cooperation mechanisms such as consultation, special actions, clue transfer, investigation, and case notification. 水资源优化配置 optimized allocation of water resources 水利工程 water conservancy project 水生态修复 water environment restoration 车辆购置税 purchase tax for eligible passenger vehicles 中国财政部和税务总局上周宣布,对购置符合条件的乘用车减半征收车辆购置税,从而激励许多汽车制造商加大优惠力度以吸引顾客。 China's finance and taxation authorities announced last week to halve the purchase tax of eligible vehicles, which has in turn spurred many automakers to increase their incentives in a bid to attract customers. 汽车零售销量 auto retail sales 免税购车节 duty-free car purchase festival 优惠政策 preferential policies 中国青少年足球联赛 national youth football league 根据教育部、国家体育总局、中国足协共同研究制定的《中国青少年足球联赛赛事组织工作方案(2022-2024年)》,中国青少年足球联赛(以下简称“联赛”)面向的是全体青少年。 According to the Workplan for the China Youth Football League (CYFL) (2022-2024), jointly released by the Ministry of Education, the State General Administration of Sport (GAS) and the Chinese Football Association (CFA), the youth football league is open to all youth teams nationwide. 中国足协 Chinese Football Association (CFA) 国家体育总局 State General Administration of Sport (GAS) 全球经济增长预期 global growth forecast 世界银行6月7日发布最新一期《全球经济展望》报告,下调2022年全球经济增长预期至2.9%,较1月份4.1%的预测下降1.2个百分点,并警告存在滞胀风险。 The global economy is on track to grow by 2.9 percent in 2022, down 1.2 percentage points from the January projection, the World Bank Group said in its latest Global Economic Prospects released on Tuesday, warning of stagflation risk. 货币紧缩 monetary tightening 金融市场动荡 financial market volatility 资本外流 capital outflows 世界遗产 world heritage sites 6月11日是中国文化和自然遗产日。据国家林草局有关介绍,我国世界自然遗产数量达到14项,自然与文化双遗产4项,数量均居世界第一。 June 11 marks China's Cultural and Natural Heritage Day. The country is now home to 14 world natural heritage sites and four heritage sites noted for both cultural and natural features, both leading the world in terms of quantity, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. 地质遗迹 geological relics 珍稀濒危动植物物种 endangered animal and plant species 非物质文化遗产 intangible cultural heritages 《大公报》 Ta Kung Pao 6月12日,在《大公报》创刊120周年之际,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平发来贺信。《大公报》创刊于1902年6月17日,是目前世界上仍在发行的历史最悠久的中文报纸。 Xi, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, sent a congratulatory letter to Ta Kung Pao on the 120th anniversary of its founding on Sunday. The newspaper, founded on June 17, 1902, is the oldest Chinese-language newspaper still in circulation in the world. 一国两制 one country, two systems 中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦 Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation 长期稳定繁荣 long-term stability and prosperity 金融支持水利工程 financing for water conservancy projects 中国人民银行近日要求各金融机构要切实加大对水利项目的金融支持力度。人民银行强调,各金融机构要配合好水利部门和水利企业,发挥好水利基础设施建设扩大有效投资、拉动经济发展的作用。 The People's Bank of China on June 13 asked financial institutions to increase financing for the country's water conservancy projects. Financial institutions should cooperate with water resource authorities and enterprises and expand effective investment in the construction of water conservancy infrastructure to bolster economic growth, the bank said. 南水北调工程 South-to-North Water Diversion Project 可持续水利项目 sustainable water conservancy projects 气候适应型社会 climate-resilient society 生态环境部等17部门近日联合印发了《国家适应气候变化战略2035》,提出到2035年,全社会适应气候变化能力显著提升,气候适应型社会基本建成。 China will seek to basically build a climate-resilient society by 2035, with significant improvements in its ability to adapt to climate change, according to the national climate change adaptation strategy 2035, jointly released by 17 departments including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. 国家适应气候变化战略 national climate change adaptation strategy 气候变化监测预警能力 climate change monitoring and early warning capability 全球气候治理体系 global climate governance system 环沙漠铁路线 rail loop line around a desert 近日,和若铁路正式开通运营。中国在最大沙漠塔克拉玛干完成世界首条环沙漠铁路线“最后一块拼图”,全长达2712公里的世界首条环沙漠铁路线建成。 The last section of a 2,712-km rail loop line around China's largest desert, the Taklimakan, was put into operation on Thursday. The opening of the Hotan-Ruoqiang rail line will enable trains to skirt a full circle around a desert for the first time in the world. 塔克拉玛干沙漠 Taklimakan Desert 流动沙漠 shifting-sand desert 草方格 grass grids 新冠疫苗知识产权豁免 waiver of COVID-19 vaccine patents 6月12日至17日在瑞士日内瓦举行的世界贸易组织第12届部长级会议就新冠疫苗知识产权豁免达成部长决定。商务部称,在会议谈判的关键阶段,作为新冠疫苗生产和供应大国,中国主动宣布不寻求享受豁免决定所提供的灵活性,彰显了大国担当。 A major decision on the waiver of intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines was made at the World Trade Organization's Ministerial Conference Twelfth Session (MC12) from June 12 to 17 in Geneva, Switzerland. At a pivotal stage of MC12 negotiations, China, as a major producer and a supplier of COVID-19 vaccines, announced that it will forego the flexibility of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights waiver on COVID-19 vaccines, which shows China's sense of responsibility as a major country, an official with the Ministry of Commerce said. 人类卫生健康共同体 a global community of health for all 全球公共产品 global public good 跨境人民币业务 cross-border renminbi business 中国人民银行近日印发《关于支持外贸新业态跨境人民币结算的通知》,进一步发挥跨境人民币结算业务服务实体经济、促进贸易投资便利化的作用。通知要求,加大对外贸新业态的支持力度,完善跨境电商等外贸新业态跨境人民币业务相关政策。 China's central bank has ramped up support for renminbi settlement in new forms and models of foreign trade to better serve the real economy and facilitate trade and investment. In a recent circular, the People's Bank of China improved policies for cross-border renminbi business in e-commerce and other new models of foreign trade. 外贸新业态 new forms and models of foreign trade 经常账户 current accounts 贸易自由化便利化 liberalize and facilitate trade 亚洲最大铁路枢纽客站开通运营 Asia's largest passenger railway hub starts operation 亚洲第一大铁路客运枢纽——北京丰台站20日正式开通运营。丰台火车站是北京最早的火车站,经过4年的改扩建,迎来了全新面貌。 The largest passenger railway hub in Asia was put into operation Monday in Beijing as a four-year reconstruction breathes new life into the Chinese capital's oldest railway station. 铁路枢纽客站 passenger railway hub 客户运输服务 passenger and freight services 历史悠久的 time-honored 行业龙头企业 industry-leading enterprises 中国国际进口博览局副局长孙成海日前表示,第五届进博会将于今年11月5日至10日举办。目前,第五届进博会各项筹备工作稳步推进,已签约的世界500强和行业龙头企业达到260家。 Preparations for the fifth China International Import Expo (CIIE) are progressing smoothly, and the event will be held in Shanghai from Nov. 5 to 10, CIIE Bureau Deputy Director Sun Chenghai told a press conference on Tuesday. A total of 260 Fortune 500 companies and industry-leading enterprises have confirmed their participation in the expo. 世界开放指数 World Openness Index 高水平开放 high-standard opening-up 跨境电商 cross-border e-commerce 数字政府 digital government 日前,国务院印发《关于加强数字政府建设的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》),就主动顺应经济社会数字化转型趋势作出部署。《指导意见》提出,到2025年,与政府治理能力现代化相适应的数字政府顶层设计更加完善,政府决策科学化、社会治理精准化、公共服务高效化取得重要进展。到2035年,整体协同、敏捷高效、智能精准、开放透明、公平普惠的数字政府基本建成。 China has detailed measures to enhance the building of a digital government in tandem with the country's efforts to promote digital transformation. By 2025, the country will strive to improve the top-level design and coordination mechanism of a digital government that matches the modernization of the national governance system, according to a guideline released by the State Council, China's cabinet. The guideline said key advancements would emerge in making scientific government policies, carrying out targeted measures in social governance, and providing efficient public services. By 2035, China will seek to establish a digital government that is coordinated, efficient, intelligent, open, transparent, and inclusive. 数字转型 digital transformation 社会治理 social governance 开放共享的数据资源系统 open and shared data resource system 黑土地保护法 law on black soil conservation 近日,十三届全国人大常委会第三十五次会议表决通过了黑土地保护法,将于2022年8月1日起施行。 A law on black soil conservation was adopted after a vote at the closing meeting of the 35th standing committee session of the 13th National People's Congress on June 24. The law will take effect on Aug. 1, 2022. 耕地保护制度 farmland protection system 国家粮食安全战略 national strategies for food security 大运河 Grand Canal 近日,京杭大运河京冀段实现游船通航,市民可体验乘游船从北京到河北,一路欣赏运河两岸美景。京杭大运河京冀游船互联互通,标志着北京市第一次出现了跨省际航道和跨省际水上旅游运输,为京津冀协同发展注入新活力。 The Beijing-Hebei section in the northern stretch of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal opened to navigation for tourism on Friday, giving visitors a chance to appreciate views of the Chinese capital and its neighboring Hebei Province along the canal. It marks the first time that Beijing launched inter-provincial waterway and inter-provincial water transport for tourism. The opening of the Beijing-Hebei section of the Grand Canal is another important move to advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 人工水道 artificial waterway 跨省际航道 inter-provincial waterway 京津冀协同发展 coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region 可再生能源 renewable energy 据国家能源局消息,截至5月底,我国可再生能源发电总装机达到11亿千瓦,同比增长15.1%。数据显示,1-5月,全国可再生能源发电新增装机4349万千瓦,占全国发电新增装机的82.1%,已成为我国发电新增装机的主体。 China's installed capacity of renewable energy had reached 1.1 billion kilowatts by the end of May, up 15.1 percent year on year, data from the National Energy Administration showed. From January to May, China's newly installed capacity of renewable energy was 43.49 million kilowatts, accounting for 82.1 percent of the total newly installed capacity of power generation. 二氧化碳排放 carbon dioxide emissions 年发电量 annual power generation 标准煤 standard coal 香港科学园 Hong Kong Science Park 6月30日下午,国家主席习近平来到香港科学园考察。习近平指出,近年来,在中央支持下,香港发挥自身优势,在基础研究、人才培养、创科产业发展等方面都取得了令人瞩目的成绩。 Under the support of the central government, Hong Kong has leveraged its own advantages to make remarkable achievements in basic research, talent cultivation, and development in the innovation and technology sector in recent years, President Xi Jinping said Thursday. Xi made the remarks during an inspection tour of the Hong Kong Science Park. 一国两制 one country, two systems 创新型企业 innovation enterprises 粤港澳大湾区 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 热 词 历史悠久的 time-honored 流动沙漠 shifting-sand desert 特别展览门票 special exhibition tickets 身心健康 physical and mental health “太空授课 ” space-based lecture 零售销量 retail sales 货币紧缩 monetary tightening 资本外流 capital outflows 经济增长预期 global growth forecast 创新产业集群 innovative industrial clusters 可持续水利项目 sustainable water conservancy projects 实验舱 lab module 星际探测 interplanetary exploration 微重力研究 microgravity research 农村基础设施建设 rural infrastructure 社会保险基金 social security fund 生物多样性 biological diversity 跨学科研究 interdisciplinary research 生态保护和修复 ecological protection and restoration 人与自然和谐共生 harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature 生态保护红线 ecological conservation red lines 覆盖全民的社会保障体系 the social security system covering the entire population 海洋开发和保护 ocean development and protection 构建海洋命运共同体 build maritime community with shared future 21世纪海上丝绸之路 the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 濒危植物物种 endangered plant species 迁地保护 off-site conservation 国家植物园 National Botanical Garden 切断传播途径 cut off its transmission 潮汐能 tidal power 全面发展 all-around development 海洋能资源 marine energy resources 更多热词(PDF版) 扫码关注公众号(OKTranslation) 对话框内回复“热词”获取下载!
(编辑: T-win)