4月8日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席北京冬奥会、冬残奥会总结表彰大会并发表重要讲话。中国外文局所属当代中国与世界研究院、中国翻译研究院围绕讲话中的重要语汇,根据中央媒体及机构发布的中英文内容,按照办奥成绩、办奥经验、北京冬奥精神以及其他重要表述等四个部分,整理形成重要语汇汉英对照版,供业界及相关人员参考使用。 历经7年艰辛努力,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会胜利举办,举国关注,举世瞩目。中国人民同各国人民一道,克服各种困难挑战,再一次共创了一场载入史册的奥运盛会,再一次共享奥林匹克的荣光。 After seven years of arduous efforts, we have successfully hosted the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, drawing wide attention both at home and from abroad. By overcoming various difficulties, the Chinese people, along with people from around the world, have once again presented the Games that will go down in history and together shared the glory of Olympics. 中国人历来言必信、行必果。确保北京冬奥会、冬残奥会如期安全顺利举办,确保“两个奥运”同样精彩,是中国人民向国际社会作出的庄严承诺。 We Chinese always mean what we say. It is the solemn promise that the Chinese people have made to the international community to ensure the delivery of safe and splendid Winter Olympics and Paralympics as scheduled. 冬奥赛事精彩纷呈,国际社会积极评价。 Splendid Games have drawn positive feedback from the international community. 爱国情怀充分彰显,汇聚起实现中华民族伟大复兴的强大力量。 Patriotism was fully manifested, gathering a momentum for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. “三亿人参与冰雪运动”成为现实,人民群众获得感显著增强。 The goal of involving 300 million people in ice and snow activities has come true, with people’s sense of fulfillment being enhanced. 冬奥遗产成果丰硕,实现成功办奥和区域发展双丰收。 The Games have left a fruitful legacy, with the success of the Games promoting regional development. 疫情防控精准有效,确保了冬奥安全顺利。 The COVID-19 prevention and control is targeted and effective, ensuring the safe and smooth progress of the Games. 团结合作走向未来,为人类战胜挑战作出了中国贡献。 Moving forward with solidarity and cooperation, China has contributed its share to the humankind's efforts in overcoming challenges. 第一,坚持党的集中统一领导。 First, we have upheld the Party’s centralized, unified leadership. 第二,坚持集中力量办大事。 Second, we have pooled all resources to accomplish major tasks. 第三,坚持主动防范应对各种风险挑战。 Third, we proactively prevented and addressed risks and challenges. 第四,坚持办赛和服务人民、促进发展相结合。 Fourth, we combined hosting the Games with serving the people and promoting development. 胸怀大局,就是心系祖国、志存高远,把筹办举办北京冬奥会、冬残奥会作为“国之大者”,以为国争光为己任,以为国建功为光荣,勇于承担使命责任,为了祖国和人民团结一心、奋力拼搏。 Bearing in mind the big picture means to have the motherland in mind and aim high. They (the participants in the Games) regarded the preparation and hosting of the Games as one of the country’s most fundamental interests. They saw it as the duty to win glory for the country and as the honor to make contributions to the country. They had the courage to shoulder responsibilities, united and fought hard for the motherland and the people. 自信开放,就是雍容大度、开放包容,坚持中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信,以创造性转化、创新性发展传递深厚文化底蕴,以大道至简彰显悠久文明理念,以热情好客展现中国人民的真诚友善,以文明交流促进世界各国人民相互理解和友谊。 Being confident and open means to be inclusive. They remained confident in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. They passed on the country’s profound cultural heritage by innovative transformation and development. They substantiated the country’s time-honored civilization through simple manners and in simple words. They showed the sincerity and friendliness of the Chinese people with hospitality. They promoted mutual understanding and friendship among different peoples through exchanges. 迎难而上,就是苦干实干、坚韧不拔,保持知重负重、直面挑战的昂扬斗志,百折不挠克服困难、战胜风险,为了胜利勇往直前。 Rising to the challenges means to work hard with perseverance. They kept the high morale while knowing the burdens ahead heavy but still facing challenges, overcame difficulties and risks, and forged ahead. 追求卓越,就是执着专注、一丝不苟,坚持最高标准、最严要求,精心规划设计,精心雕琢打磨,精心磨合演练,不断突破和创造奇迹。 Pursuing excellence means perseverance, dedication and meticulousness. They stuck to the highest possible standards and requirements, refined every plan and measure, sought perfection through rehearsals, and achieved breakthroughs and miracles one after another. 共创未来,就是协同联动、紧密携手,坚持“一起向未来”和“更团结”相互呼应,面朝中国发展未来,面向人类发展未来,向世界发出携手构建人类命运共同体的热情呼唤。 Creating a better future together means coordination, interaction and cooperation. Aligning the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic motto “Together for a Shared Future” with the new Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together”, they kept themselves future-oriented with a global vision, and called on all members on Earth to jointly build a global community of shared future. 四场开闭幕式精彩纷呈,人类命运共同体的主题贯穿始终,中华文化和冰雪元素交相辉映,体现了自然之美、人文之美、运动之美,诠释了新时代中国可信、可爱、可敬的形象。 The opening and closing ceremonies of the Games were captivating, with the theme of building a global community of shared future running throughout. Integrating the Chinese culture with ice and snow elements, the ceremonies demonstrated the beauty of nature, the beauty of humanity and the beauty of sport, and showcased the image of China as a trustworthy, loveable and admirable country in the new era. 赛场上,我国体育健儿不畏强手、顽强拼搏、为国争光,五星红旗高高飘扬,每一位中华儿女都倍感荣光。 On the field, Chinese athletes have competed with others tenaciously and won glory for the country. Every time the national flag flied high, all the Chinese people felt honored. 北京冬奥会、冬残奥会的成功举办,促进了不同文明交流互鉴,为推动全球团结合作、共克时艰发挥了重要作用,也为动荡不安的世界带来了信心和希望,向世界发出了“一起向未来”的时代强音! The success of the Games has prompted exchanges between cultures, and played a key role in promoting solidarity, cooperation and joint efforts to overcome difficulties globally. It has also brought confidence and hope to a world overshadowed by instability, and sent the world a message of our times -- Together for a Shared Future. 事实充分证明,中国共产党是我们成就伟业最可靠的主心骨,只要始终不渝坚持党的领导,就一定能够战胜前进道路上的任何艰难险阻,就一定能够办成我们想办的任何事情! All the facts have proved that the CPC is the most reliable backbone for us to ensure great achievements. As long as we unswervingly uphold the Party’s leadership, we will definitely overcome all difficulties and obstacles that we meet and ensure every success in our future work. 我国社会主义制度非凡的组织动员能力、统筹协调能力、贯彻执行能力,我国坚实的经济实力、科技实力、综合国力,为成功办奥提供了强有力的底气和最坚实的保障! The socialism in China with extraordinary capabilities of organization, coordination and implementation, as well as our country’s solid economic and technological strength and composite national strength gave us tremendous confidence and laid a solid foundation for the success of the Games. 7年磨一剑,砥砺再出发。北京冬奥会、冬残奥会是在全党全国各族人民向第二个百年奋斗目标迈进的关键时期举办的重大标志性活动。我们要积极谋划、接续奋斗,管理好、运用好北京冬奥遗产。 It took us seven years to ensure a success in hosting the Games, and now we have prepared ourselves well for the next stage. The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics are an important landmark event China held at a crucial moment as the whole Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups started the new journey toward the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country in all respects. We should make plans proactively and work hard persistently to make the most of the legacy of the Games. 圆梦冬奥会,一起向未来。让我们更加紧密地团结在党中央周围,发扬北京冬奥精神,以更加坚定的自信、更加坚决的勇气,向着实现第二个百年奋斗目标奋勇前进,向着实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦奋勇前进! We have realized our dream of hosting Winter Olympics and Paralympics and moved on together for a brighter future. Let us more closely rally around the CPC Central Committee, carry forward the spirit of the Games, and forge ahead more confidently and more determinedly toward the second centenary goal and toward the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. 转载自中国外文局,仅供交流、学习之用,版权归原作者、原出处所有,若有侵犯了您的合法权益,请联系我们进行更正、删除,谢谢!
(编辑: T-win)