收藏 | 中医常用术语英文翻译
学科 本草 Materia medica 中医内科学internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine
阴阳 阴阳对立 Opposition of yin andyang 阴阳制约 Restriction of/between yin and yang 阴阳互根 Interdependence ofyin and yang 阴阳消长 Waxing and waning ofyin and yang 阴阳转化 Inter-transformationof yin and yang
The Theory of Yinand Yang
五行学说 五行 water,fire,wood,metal,soil 生 promote, generate,engender 克 act, restrict,restrain 乘 overact,over-restrict, over-restrain, subjugate, overwhelm 侮 counteract,counter-restrict, counter-restrain, rebel
The Theory of FiveElements
整体观念 辩证法 dialectics 生长化收藏 sprouting, growth,transformation,ripening,storage 内外环境统一性 the unity betweenthe internal and external environments 机体自身整体性 the integrity of thebody itself 古代唯物论和辩证法 classic Chinesematerialism and dialectics 矛盾统一 the contradictoryunity 互相联系、相互影响 related to each otherand influence each other 标本 Biao (secondaryaspect) and Ben (primary aspect) 本质与现象 nature and phenomena 矛盾的普遍性和特殊性 universality andspeciality of contradictions 寒者热之 Cold disease shouldbe treated by warm therapy 热者寒之 warm disease shouldbe treated by cold therapy 虚者补之 deficiency syndromeshould be treated by tonifying therapy 实者泻之 excess syndromeshould be treated by purgation therapy 治病必求其本 Treatment ofdiseases must concentrate on the root cause 同病异治 treatment ofthe same disease with different therapeutic methods
concept of organicwholeness
精气神 清阳为天 The lucid Yangascends to form the heaven 浊阴为地 The turbid Yindescends to constitute the earth 气化 Qitransformation 升降出入 ascending,descending, going out, coming in 出入废则神机化灭,升降息则气立孤危。If the activities of going out and coming intostop, the transforming mechanism of Shen (Spirit) will be damaged; if theactivities of ascending and descending stop, Qi will be immediately isolatedand endangered. 精气 Jingqi(Essential-Qi) 先天之精 prenatalessence 后天之精 postnatalessence 神 Shen (spirit) 形神学说 the theory ofbody and spirit 形与神俱 the body andthe Shen (Spirit) exist simultaneously 形神统一 the unitybetween the body and the Shen (Spirit)
治则 病邪 pathogenicfactors 正气存内,邪不可干。 邪之所凑,其气必虚。 顺四时而适寒暑,和喜怒而安居处 养生防病,延年益寿
Sufficient Healthy-Qi inside the body will preventinvasion of pathogenic factors.
The region where pathogenic factors invades mustbe deficient in Qi.
Abidance to the changes of the four seasons,active adapation to cold and heat, harmony of emotional changes and peacefulliving.
cultivating health, preventing disease andprolonging life
气 气化 qi transformation 气机 qi movement 元气(原气) primordial ( yuan qi) 真气 genuine qi (zhenqi) 宗气 pectoral qi (zong qi) 营气 nutritive qi( yingqi) 卫气 defensive qi(wei ai) 气的推动功能 promotingaction of Qi 气的温煦功能 warming actionof Qi 气的防御功能 defendingaction of Qi 气的固摄功能 controllingaction of Qi 气的气化功能 action of QiTransformation
血 水谷精微 cereal essence 营气和津液 nutrient qiand body fluid 营养和滋润 nourishing andmoistening 血主濡之 Blood is responsible for nurturing body. 中焦受气取汁,变化而赤,是谓血。 血虚 blooddeficiency/asthenia 血瘀 bloodstasis/stagnation 血热 blood-heat 血寒 blood-cold 出血 hemorrhage
The middle energizer receives qi, takes the juiceand transforms into red liquid called blood.
津液 津液 Body fluid /Jin andYe 稠厚度 thickness 成分,功能,分布 property,function,distribution 分泌物 secreta 胆汁、肠液、鼻涕、眼泪、汗液、尿液 形成 formation 分布 distribution 排泄 excretion 脾的传输 transmitting of thespleen 肺的宣降 dispersing anddescenging of the lung 肾的蒸腾气化 steaming andtransforming of the kidney 三焦为通道 the triple energizerserve as the passage-way 饮入于胃,游溢精气,上输于脾,脾气散精,上归于肺,通调水道,下输膀胱,水精四布,五经并行。
gastric juice, intestinal juice, nasal discharge, tears, sweat, urine
After food and water have entered the stomach,they are digested and transformed into food essence and then, transmittedupward to the spleen, which disperses the essence upward to the lung and thelung regulates water pathways downward to the urinary bladder. And by doing sobody fluid is finally disseminated to all parts of the body along all themeridians and collaterals.body fluid is formed from food and water bydigestion and absorption of the stomach, separating the clarity from theturbidity of the small intestine and tramformation of the spleen; thedistribution and excretion of body fluid are accomplished by the joint actionof many zang-fu organ, such as the transforming function of the spleen, thedispersing and descending function of the lung, the steaming and ascendingfunction of the kidney; and body fluid takes triple energizer as itspassageway for distribution and excretion.
藏象学说 脏腑 the internalorgans,viscera. 藏/脏 solid organs, viscera, depots, zang organs, yin organs 府/腑 hollow organs, bowels (the intestines), palaces, fu organs, yang organs 五脏 five viscera,five zang organs, the yin organs 六腑 six bowels,six fu organs, the yang organs 心,肝,脾,肺,肾 胆,胃,大肠,小肠,膀胱,三焦 奇恒之腑 extraordinaryfu organs 脑、髓、骨、脉、胆、女子胞 心包 pericardium 上/中/下焦 upper/ middle/lower energizer/burner 命门 gate of life, life gate, vital gate, gate of vitality 苗窍 signal orifice 膻中 thoracic center 膜(募)原 interior-exteriorinterspace 五神 five emotions 五华 five lustre 五体 five bodyconstituents 五志 five minds 五液 five humors 七情 seven emotions 膏肓 cardio-diaphgramaticinterspace 丹田 Dantan /Elixir field 赤白肉际 dorso-ventralboundary (of the hand or foot), house of blood (血府): blood vessel house of marrow (髓府): bone sea of blood (血海): liver (orconception vessel) sea of marrow (髓海): brain blood chamber (血室): uterus (orconception vessel) essence chamber (精室):life gate 藏精气而不泻 传化物而不藏 心主血脉 心藏神 The heart stores thespirit. 心开窍于舌 The heart opens intothe tongue. 舌为心之苗窍 心,其华在面 心与小肠相表里 肺主气,通调水道 肺主皮毛 肺合皮毛 肺开窍于鼻 鼻为息道 肺与大肠相表里 肺为贮痰之器,脾为生痰之源 肺为气之主,肾为气之根 肺主一身之表 肺主气,司呼吸 主宣发肃降 通调水道 肺朝百脉,主治节 脾主运化水谷,输布精微 脾统血 脾主肌肉和四肢,开窍于口 胃主受纳和腐熟水谷 升清 Send clarity (pure) upward 小肠主泌别清浊 The small intestine governs separation of theclear and the turbid. 大肠主传化糟粕 the large intestine governs transformation andconveyance of waste. 肝主疏泄 The liver governs free coursing, which refers toliver qi’s physiological function of ensuring smooth free flow (of qi andblood). Ensuring smooth and regular floe of qi; 胆汁的化生和排泄 Secretion and discharge of bile Emotional disturbance: mental depression, impatience,etc. 肝藏血 The liver stores blood. 肝藏血是指肝有贮存血液和调节血量的作用 食气入胃,淫精于肝 肝主筋,其华在爪 The liver governs the sinews; its bloom is thenails. 肝主筋。爪为筋之余。肝,其华在爪 肝开窍于目 肾藏精,主生长、发育和生殖 肾主骨、生髓 肾主水 The kidney governs water. 肾开窍于耳和二阴。其华在发 滋养和濡润 moisten and nourish 推动和温煦 warm and activate 化生和贮藏精气 produce and store essence 受盛和传化水谷 有诸内,必形诸外
The Theory ofVisceral Manifestations
heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney
gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, smallintestine, (urinary) bladder, triple energizer/burner
brain, marrow, bone, vessel, gallbladder, uterus
storing essencewithout leaking
digesting andtransporting food and drink without storing essence /transform food intoessence but not store it
The heart governs theblood and (blood ) vessels.The heart regulates the flow of blood.(circulation)
The tongue is thesprout of the heart.
The Heart’s brilliance manifests in the face.The heart’s bloom is in the face.The heart has its outward manifestations on theface.
The heart stands in interior-exterior relationshipwith the small intestine.
The lung governs qi.The lung regulates the waterways.The lungs move and adjust the Water Channels.
The lung governs the skin and [body] hair.The lung is in charge of the body surface.
The lung is interrelated with the skin and [body]hair.The brilliance of the Lungs manifests in the bodyhair.In other words, the Lungs regulate the secretionof sweat, the moistening of the skin, and resistance to External PerniciousInfluences.
The lung opens at thenose.
The nose is the“thoroughfare for respiration”.Many common nose and throat disorders aretherefore treated through the Lungs.
The lung stands in interior-exterior relationshipwith the large intestine.The lung governs qi and the heart governs blood.
The lung is the receptacle that holds phlegm andthe spleen is the source of phlegm formation.
The lung is the governor of qi and the kidney isthe root of qi.
The lung is in charge of the body surface.
The lung governs qi, performsrespiration/controlls breathing
governsdisseminating, cleansing and descending/ governs diffusion, purification anddescending
regulates thewaterways
The lung connecting all vessels/The lung faces allthe blood vessels, governs management and regulation
The spleen governs movement (transportation) andtransformation of grain and water and distribution of its essence.
The spleen manages the blood.
The spleen governs the flesh and limbs, and opensinto the mouth.
Take in, food intake Decompose, digest food into chyme The stomach governs intake and decomposition (digestion ) of grain and water.
The liver is capable of retaining blood andregulating the amount of blood in the body.
Food qi enters the stomach and sends essence tothe liver.
The liver governs the sinews: the movement of allthe sinews of the body is associated with the liver.
The liver opens atthe eyes.
The kidney stores essence (or essential qi), andis responsible for growth, development, and reproduction. (maturation)
The kidney governs the bones and engenders marrow.
The kidney opens into the ears and the two yin(the two private parts: the urethra and anus) and its bloom is in the hair ofthe head.Kidney yin (true yin, original yin) has a
receive, trsport and transform water and food
Viscera inside the body must manifest themselvesexternally.
病因 邪,病邪 Evil; Pathogenicfactor; Pathogen 六淫 six excesses; sixexogenous pathogenic factors; six climatic pathogenic factors; Six externalpernicious influences 风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火 wind, cold,summer-heat, dampness, dryness,fire 外感六淫 diseases caused byexogenous pathogenic factor 六气 Six qi;Six naturalfactors;Six climatic factors;Six climatic influences;Six exogenous qi 疫疠(疠气) Pestilence;pestilential qi 内生五邪 Five EndogenousPathogenic Factors;Five Internal Pernicious Influences 七情 seven emotions;seven affects 喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊 joy, anger, melancholy (sadness, worry), anxiety (pensiveness,contemplation), grief (sorrow), fear, fright 七情内伤 internal damage dueto seven emotions 饮食 Improper diet;imbalanced diet 内伤脾胃,百病由生 外伤 traumaticinjuries 跌打损伤,金刃伤,虫兽咬伤 Traumatic injuries due to fall, cuts, insect or animal bites 痰饮 Phlegm-fluid 瘀血Blood stasis
Internal damage of the spleen and stomach willresult in the occurrence of various diseases./The occurrence of variousdiseases may result from the internal damage of the spleen and stomach.
(编辑: T-win)